Thursday 30 June 2011

ice cube sex :-)

oooh so i forgot to mention this but feel it warrants one :-)

So like i say Mr A has a tongue piercing so he got the ice out and it was good but perhaps better than this was he got the ice out during and whilst i wouldn't recommend this unless unbearably hot! On Monday it was so as i rode him and we got hot and sweaty it was pretty nice when he run ice down my back and pretty awesome when he rubbed it across my clit and so i was all for him popping a piece up my vajayjay :-) which he did and once it was it i couldn't really feel it but he certainly enjoyed it which was pretty awesome and yes it was very wet but like i say on a hot muggy night it was definitely the way to go :-D

Wednesday 29 June 2011

anal cherry popping :-p

lol so I'm back from an illicit encounter with Mr A :-p where the sex was pretty good i let him have his first sober anal encounter which was awesome! I do love a bit of anal! I'm still to pop his anal cherry but give me time :-p He's agreed to let me at least i just need to grab some anal lube as all i have is flavoured stuff and that can be a bit sticky much better for licking off :-)

So the sex is pretty good getting better, the man's willing to learn at least but one or two things bother me :-/ first he doesn't manage often i guess he goes for quality rather than quantity :-p but I'm finding this a little hard to deal with. Don't get me wrong we all like a man that lasts but not always? I want to be able to make him cum and he doesn't he purposely holds back which obviously as he doesn't go again without moaning is maybe a good thing but it makes me feel like i'm crap at it? lol some of it is he stops me rather than i can't do it but still!

On the plus side his oral is coming along swimmingly! He is pretty awesome and getting better, he has a tongue piercing which is a first for me but definitely something I'd encourage! He really enjoys oral to properly gets in there which is so good! even after he's fucked me which a few men are a bit iffy about but he has no qualms about that i don't think I'd ever get bored which is good because he likes giving and i love receiving :-p what i would say though is after he's made me cum hard he carries on touching me when i just want to lay and twitch and enjoy the sensation ha ha never happy.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

mistress material?

Hmmm so after entering into this illicit affair with an ex not the one with the toddler girlfriend even i can't be that much of a bitch that I'd be party to turning a child bitter, cynical and twisted :-p The one from many years ago wow my love life is complicated perhaps i should code them all?

So Let's start at the beginning let's have Mr A, he is currently in my sex life and i used to date him, well lived and was engaged to him when i was 16. Anyway we are now having pretty good sex but he has a girlfriend :-/

Mr B, He will be the guy that i was with when i started the blog :-) forever immortalised because he let me fuck him with a strap on :-D

Mr C is the one who raped my blog not a massive part of my life so figure we wont hear about him much.

um Mr D he is the guy who was 20 years older than me, he gets a brief mention every now and again :-)

hmmm think that's it for now i'll add to this as time goes on maybe :-p oooh that reminds me must look at the sex bucket list :-)

Anyway back to being mistress material, I'm not sure i am? So I'm fine that he has a g/f but i struggle with him talking about her? i mean really I'm either the girl you fuck or the girl you moan about your g/f to? because really OK she doesn't give you affection the sex isn't great but you're fucking someone else? clearly you're the one in the wrong :-p and also sporadic sex gives me the hump! and he's still being a bit of a wimp about sex, he moans a lot! Fuck i need a replacement :-p I am dating lots still though :-p

Thursday 23 June 2011

not working!

Hmmm so i know I'm all fucked up about the ex but well sex is better than none so i thought i might stick it out but for fuck sake the man moans! I mean really is there any such thing as too much sex?
I don't think so but fear after the man says I've turned into "some kind of sadistic nymphomaniac" :-o that he thinks maybe you can have too much sex and god it's taken him 2 days to recover from a couple of hours! Fucking hell boys thought it was every man's dream to have a nympho lover? :-/ and well just last week he was moaning of a distinct lack of sex? what's the deal? I'm fucking horny obviously and this is making me very cross :-p and i actually think I've always been this way just maybe he's getting too old for it :-p after all you boys peak at 18 and he is 33 :-p ha ha ha fecking wimp

Tuesday 21 June 2011

and again!

OK so I'm not sure what I'm doing! GRRRRRR fecking men! Just come back from the ex's, he cooked me dinner and we were supposed to chat about what we were going to do now? Hmmm so he informs me he's on a "break" from the girlfriend and this i believe is my cue to bow out? I figure if we carry on this break will be permanent and to be honest he's a means to an end at the moment and not actually anything more? Sex is OK nothing wildly exciting but not bad? except i left him moaning that 3 times was enough and he thought I'd broken him! Fecking wimp! :-p So now we're just down to what we can salvage from this mess! He's my longest standing ex and he's always been about although we always float in and out of each others lives depending on if we're single or what but i fear we can no longer be this? More to the point i wonder whether all my ex's should not be in my life? Perhaps it's time to have a clear out?

Anyway today i ask can men and women be just friends after sex? i always thought yes and this 16 years of friendship was a great example and now I'm left wondering if I'm just kidding myself?

Saturday 18 June 2011

ooops i did it again :-/

Hmmmm so last night i had the ex over was supposed to be about us getting over last weekend and just having a laugh but well a bottle of vodka later and we ended up back in bed! Damn it! I've got no self control when it comes to sex :-/ grrrrr so now i don't know what to do? Don't want to lose him as a friend but it's pretty clear we can't be just friends at the moment and as much as i love having him in my life i don't actually want him :-/ although the whole no strings sex thing works for me and the fact he has a girlfriend while making me feel a massive bitch also means i get just the sex without the emotional crap? Wow i am actually a massive bitch! oh well :-)

Monday 13 June 2011

New man?

Hmmm so today i went on another 1st date, mainly because i felt the need to draw a firm line under what happened with the ex, and yes, i felt a bit skanky going out with someone whilst having bite marks from another, but i covered them well. :-p I'm really glad i went he's pretty nice :-D oooh and younger so he says i can be a cougar ha ha obviously only a few years :-p but he's really got his shit together and he's very nice although he lives a bit further out than I'd like but well not a deal breaker i feel :-)

Saturday 11 June 2011


Hmmm so I've been distinctly undeviant! nearly six months without penetrative sex! I guess it was only a matter of time before i did something stupid.

So last night i went out got really hammered and slept with an ex! damn it! Things are distinctly awkward today not least because he has a girlfriend. I hate that we've done it we're such good friends and we've been out, and got pissed, many times and not felt the need to have sex, but I've been so fucking horny i had no hope i guess :-/ not an excuse and i do feel properly shitty about it. I am getting my karma though as it was i guess pretty rough sex and I'm pretty bruised :-o and the bite mark on my neck is not being covered easily so I'm clearly going to look like a skank until it fades :-(

On the bright side it was pretty good sex and i feel calmer than i have for months :-p