Tuesday 27 September 2011

every time! tea and blow jobs?

So i was seriously starting to wonder if me and Mr A could make things work? but tonight we argued over fucking tea?! i mean really?

So how did we start, oooh let's go back a day or two when Mr A reminded me I'd never finished him off with a blow job mostly because he always stops me and because he didn't manage it often enough for me to waste it :-p but well anyway i'm feeling inadequate! so moving on tonight i went over he started on me before i finished my tea but well he made me cum quite a lot so i forgave him then he stopped before he cum he stopped not me although I'd had my share :-p so i wanted a drink and asked him to get it? wow he refused let's not forget that after orgasm the legs are shaky and i really would have appreciated it but well i got up and got my own fecking drink! but i was put out but well 10 mins later i was horny i thought I'd give him a blow job and let him finish off after all I'd had my lot :-p but well i couldn't make him cum well i couldn't he couldn't who knows anyway we fucked he cum then i suggested he should make tea where he suggested i hadn't made him cum and he'd had to do it "himself" :-p clearly already feeling a little insecure i didn't need that then he kicked off about it being my turn to make tea and i left i couldn't even be arsed to argue over such crap! obviously i came home and we ended up arguing on msn anyway:-/
I don't know what to do about him now :-/ that's ridiculous though isn't it?

Thursday 22 September 2011

Hmmm not so good!

So i was so proud of not having sex with Mr A then the next morning he knocked kissed me bent me over the stairs and thoroughly fucked me :-) Now that's most definitely what i like :-)

Feel a bit shitty that other man's nan died :-/ can't work now knowing on the day his nan died i was fucking someone else on my stairs :-/

What to do about Mr a???????............ i don't know

Monday 19 September 2011

three times?

Hmmm so the new man in my life has cancelled on me three times in the past week! All legitimate reasons but it makes me think it shouldn't be this hard? So first time he was ill throwing up second time he got caught up at work and now today his Nan had a heart attack! Don't get me wrong i know that can't be helped but seriously should i not take this as a sign from the universe? Well after cancelling before only death was going to be acceptable but surely you wouldn't just say that to get out of something? I can't help but be quite cynical about this, obviously it hasn't helped that i let Mr A take me to dinner to console me :-p he just put doubts in my mind on the bright side i didn't have sex with him although i will admit at one stage this evening he had his fingers up my vajayjay in the pub :-/ not appropriate behaviour :-p

Sunday 18 September 2011

phone sex :-)

Hmmm so a spot of phone sex with the new man today and what can i say? The man shows promise :-o So we're still not actually having sex but i don't know honestly how long I'll hold out! Dam society and it's slutty rules!

Oooh and the other day i had a spot of filth online with um Mr B? i think he is :-p and he's the best at filth he made me cum just through a bit of dirty talk oh and my own mind :-p I've never done that before! I've always cum easy but that's surely not right? especially as i feel nothing for him these days? I guess that makes me extra slutty? hmmm oh well :-p

Saturday 17 September 2011

Attracting pervs?

Hmmm so i'm in the early days of meeting a new man and things are progressing slowly and i'm so fucking horny it hurts but this is beside the point the point is that phone calls with said new man have become a little heated, as ya do :-p and he proceeded to send pictures of an intimate nature to me? I'm all for this and obviously used said images as masturbation aides but it concerns me that he would so early on it's only been a week and we're not doing anything physically yet and obviously he's not the first man to do this so it makes me wonder if that's the kind of guy i attract? Pretty big bonus i guess as i do love a perv :-D Dam we need to make it to date 5 very quickly :-)

Tuesday 13 September 2011

just a quickie :-)

lol not as deviant as it sounds this is just an update for my sex bucket list :-p thought i better put it on while i think of it :-)

Sex in a seedy American motel which has a vibrating bed powered by dime's :-o ha ha

Friday 2 September 2011

Such a piss head!

So i think i might be becoming an alchie :-p good times ha ha

What do i need to say Mr A is a fucker and i love him but as a friend we have a fragile friendship at present which i feel i'm the only one trying to save as he wants me and babies :-/ such a worry! Mr B also a fucker he has decided to move into a house on my running route clearly making it that i can't go that way because red sweaty and gasping is never a good look! Mr C i feel bad that i should have seen but haven't quite got round to but i will! but he's a fucker too! Mr D is totally outta my life and now Mr E new man shows promise, he's a police man :-) but he wants babies not necessarily a problem as i'm broody as fuck? and he's so fucking hot :-D

ooops just checked Mr C should be Mr D and vica versa :-p