Thursday 7 March 2013

friends to sex to friends to complications :-p

So since last time with the french one we have been having sex to back to friends to more sex to just friends to who the feck knows :-/ The sex is pretty awesome but with all this friend shit things just feel complicated :-p It's like being his g/f with all the shit and none of the fun stuff.
I get to listen to his moaning for sporadic sex :-/ and as we're under the guise of friendship i can't refuse :-/ oh i dunno
Anyway moved onto a new man, we'll call him Mr spurs as he's a fan :-p so we've been out a couple of times had great fun early indications are pretty good :-) Seeing him tomorrow :-) Um we'll see :-)
Only worry is that he's half Greek too :-/ and obviously other one was Greek and i know they're definitely not brothers but perhaps cousins or who knows :-o ha ha ha or hopefully just nothing to each other as that could be awkward :-p