Monday 29 November 2010

I don't trust them :-p

my ponderings today are not so much deviant as just odd :-p It occurred to me today that you should not trust men with only three letters in their name's :-p i have no scientific reason for this just an odd feeling :-p

So this is men with names like:- Red, Jed, Ned, Jon, Ron, Ray, Ben, Len, Bob and any others you can think of :-p

So i guess if you meet one of these you should either use their full name or just steer clear :-D

Sunday 28 November 2010


So today my worry is that i am emotionally needy? I've never thought this about myself before but apparently we all attract a certain type of people scientific evidence and all that and yes there is exceptions to the rules, but it's still a worry.

So i find myself attracted to a man who seems to attract the emotionally unstable and needy :-p so now i wonder whether i am that person? I don't think i am? but, does anyone actually admit to being that girl? and how would i know?

From his point of view this should be a good thing as i have always had impeccable taste in men hence the fact that the vast majority of them are still in my life although only passing acquaintances these days obviously :-p

Dry humping!!

Hmm so today i was reminded how much i like a bit of dry humping :-p even if it did result in me being compared to a rampant little dog :-p

Obviously this is only nice when it ends with a good knobbing :-) which on this occasion it did, which was nice :-)

Saturday 27 November 2010

I got it :-D

So today i bought a strap on!! perhaps the single most embarrassing moment of my life, especially when paired with the booty lube i bought at the same time!! but i did it :-D and in store too.

Now i can't help but have a flare up of embarrassment over this and i think alcohol is going to have to play a part in my strapping it on and doing the deed :-) I'm a little shocked by how embarrassed i am over this, I'm as you probably know, quite deviant and often buy sex toys, lube and any number of other bits but this was different and now i wonder whether i can actually go through with it. :-o

Even now writing about it i am very red!

Of course I've bought it now and i am so going to do it, but probably not without some embarrassment. :-)

Friday 26 November 2010

I miss dating :-p

hmmm so today i have decided that i need to date more :-p I miss that whole being out with someone and being so horny but knowing you can take them home and abuse them (eventually) :-D It's an awesome feeling and i need that!!

Felt this needed more :-p

So obviously not just dating i do enough of that but i guess getting to the stage where you're shagging and horny all the time and doing the things you do like bringing yourselves close to orgasm just before you go out knowing that you're going to be gagging to get home all night and taking your knickers off and giving them to your partner while you're out or just going without and letting him know the whole anticipation is what i mean that hand stroking your inner thigh getting you wet! the odd brush of your hand against his cock, the hugs that make you feel his hard on upon your belly! fuck I'm horny!!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Penis names?

OK so today i got to thinking about penis names! ( what can i say? my mind works in mysterious ways :-p )

So today i ask men have you got a name for your penis? or, women have you given your man's penis a name?

I've never felt the need to do this although i am a massive fan of the penis! I feel almost more connected to a man's penis than to a man so perhaps this is something i should do? hmmm i can't help but think it's just a little weird :-p

So what do we think acceptable, or weird?

Tuesday 23 November 2010

horny :-)

So I'm always horny and maybe masturbate more than most :-p but i think this is quite normal, i mean really, if something makes you feel awesome is it not normal to want to do it? and yes i get times when i can't be bothered (not often) or I'm not in the mood although a bit of porn always helps :-p but today i got to wondering how often is normal? i do at least daily often several times? i like to do it to wake me up and need to do it to put me to sleep? thank god I've got arms long enough :-p if i ever lose my arms i may have to go into rehab to get through it :-)

Sunday 21 November 2010

back to the strap on?

So I'm thinking when finally getting round to the strap on moment what's the best way to approach it?

I thought I'd put it on with a pair of heels and a long coat and head round to my victim :-p hoping to not get stopped by the police obviously :-)

Then i thought maybe this is slightly intimidating and perhaps i should um ease him into it with perhaps a night out some alcohol and getting him properly horny first?

Then i thought maybe he'd rather i just turned up with it peeping through my coat being the massive perv he is?

Then my friend confused me even more by claiming this is a very intimate act that i should not do with just anyone? :-p although my other friend reassures me it is too good an opportunity to pass up :-)

Saturday 20 November 2010

to all the men that have been in my life :-)

To all the men in my life (past) :-p

I am well aware of my awesomeness and do not need your validation although if you wish to give it that's great :-) I do not suffer from low self esteem and it's been a long time since I've needed you to 'complete' me :-p If you lost me through my fault or yours understand that those reasons are probably still valid with maybe one exception :-) Do not get in touch days, months or years after losing me to let me know you made a mistake (i already know this) I am the best you've had i know :-p

Thursday 18 November 2010

strap ons?

So i have found a guy that is going to let me fuck him up the ass! I am quite excited about this prospect although quite frightened that i may hurt him :-/ but it is too good an opportunity to turn down! I'm loving the way he comes when i slide a finger up there so surely fucking him with a strap on has got to be better?

Any advice on this one would definitely be appreciated? :-p

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Anyone for porn?

Now I'm a great lover of porn, and as such, am quite partial to a bit on occasion. I often watch it alone while copping off with myself but happily watch it with my partner although then it becomes more about how much i can watch before having to jump him! I'd much rather my partner include me in his porn time than just do it alone? Although i perhaps like it better alone because if he's there I'd much rather be making my own porn with him :-D

Tuesday 16 November 2010

No cunnilingus?

Hmmm so today i had a most distressing conversation with a friend who claimed her boyfriend had never given her oral sex! Um I'm not sure how this situation arises? It's quite an alien concept to me and not one i can condone :-p She claims to not like it very much (which leads me to believe she's never been with anyone really good at it) but he's never in the 10 months they've been together given more than a passing kiss over her vajayjay!!! most distressing! I can't imagine a time when this would be acceptable I'm outraged for her and feel an overwhelming need to contact said boyfriend :-p

Monday 15 November 2010

Shaven or unshaven?

now until recently I'd never met anyone who shaved their balls but that all changed and i must confess to liking this a little bit too much! I'd definitely try to persuade future partners to do this :-) something about a man's smooth balls that just gets me a little wet :-p and clearly much nicer to lick/suck without the worry of getting hair in your mouth :-)

So i guess I'm saying that men you should all most definitely do this :-)

Sunday 14 November 2010

too blunt?

hmmm so is it acceptable to tell the man in your life that you'd like to strap him down slide his prostate massager up his ass and ride him like a Blackpool donkey? I'm thinking he'd be OK with it? :-p

Copping off

So is it acceptable to cop off with yourself in a public toilet? I'm thinking yes :-p

A weekend cooped up with family along with copious amounts of free alcohol led to this and i don't feel like this was really my fault :-)

Friday 12 November 2010

Is it just me? apple pie?

So having mentioned this to a few people, I've been met with shock, although not disgust :-p

After watching American pie, am i the only person that wondered whether having sex for a man is like warm apple pie? If i had a cock this is something that i would definitely try :-) well actually I'd stick it in everything the hoover! is that not what you men do? and if not why?:-p just to find out! I'm pretty sure I'd become a recluse if blessed with my very own cock!

So if anyone has tried this or indeed just wondered also let me know? :-p

Although i do have a certain someone whom has agreed to do this as long as i supply the apple pie and clean up after which is definitely appealing :-) now if i can just improve my baking skills, we're there! :-p I'll get back to you with the results :-)

getting to grips!

OK so please bear with me while i get to grips with this blogging lark i am but a virgin :-p

So there are a few things you should know, i am neurotic i worry about serial killers! often! joining a dating website has almost destroyed me but I'm working on my issues :-p although i feel that facing my fears when it comes to serial killers may not be the best idea :-) i over analyse everything but in my defence I'm female so I'm allowed :-) i love smileys and I'd actually really love some feedback on here to discover just how odd i am :-) also any advice would be great i need all the help i can get :-) and share your experiences guys and girls!