Tuesday 13 December 2011


So today i've got to wondering what rehab for sex addiction would consist of? I mean they surely can't stop masturbation? So what do they do i wonder?

I come to this train of thought after watching a program about an armless man who made me think if i ever lost my arms i'd need rehab for my masturbation habit! Or indeed i wonder if medical prescriptions could include a personal masturbator? that would be awesome! I'd do that job ;-).......but while i understand that with no arms you'd have to go without :-/ I don't understand firstly why anyone would want to be cured of sex addiction and secondly how they cure you of it :-o



  1. There was a program on it about a month ago where a women was diagnosed with sex addiction and she had therapy for it. They claimed she "found God" and realised that sex wasn't "the answer"

    I have a more animalistic idea on it though, we are hardwired to breed. Why mess with nature?

  2. pmsl pretty sure the only time i found god is during orgasm ;-) "oh god, oh god" he he he i'm sure it's always the answer :-/
    What is it that constitutes "sex addiction"?
