Saturday 7 May 2011

Very cross

Hmmm so as you may realise the new "man in my life" raped my blog! how very dare you! In future if I'm running late you will be waiting outside in your car and not allowed on my laptop and no it doesn't make it better that you were just checking my blog and it automatically signed in! Privacy is key here! oh and you will always just be "the man in my life" :-p

So last night i went out with said guy I'd already had a bit to drink and was running quite late so he came in to wait and asked to check his e-mail (not something i will allow in future!) where he then took advantage of the fact that my laptop is set up for my ease! grrrrr i am quite pissed about this but moving on. when i was ready i came downstairs and he appeared at the bottom. He stopped me a few stairs above reached up my dress and removed my knickers and pocketed them, where i believe they still are :-) Then he proceeded to ravage my pussy, as i stood above him with my thigh over his shoulder i thought i was going to collapse and he fecking stopped, pulled my dress down and took my hand and led me to the car! i was so pissed but obviously i got in the car waited till we were moving and proceeded to finish myself off lol I'm surprised he didn't kill us his eyes were clearly not on the road.
Anyway that set the tone of the evening with us both ensuring the other was in a constant state of arousal :-) Was pretty awesome except he kept chuckling away to himself and finally admitted what he'd done to my blog! This obviously caused me to be properly pissed off, although now I've read it I'm not oh so bothered, fecking cheek.
Needless to say sex did not finish the evening and indeed sex is not an option anytime soon! You my dear are going to learn just how badly you can want something and your punishment will be long and drawn out last night was but a drop in the ocean :-p I'm looking forward to keeping "the man in my life" constantly horny without release for at least the next month :-) You men are like children and you need to learn your boundaries, this is like adult grounding, you will learn.

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