Friday 7 January 2011

is age but a number?

Hmmm so i sort of think maybe this is the case but also think a lot of things need to be taken into consideration :-p

personally i couldn't date someone that much younger i did try recently but at the stage i realised they were closer to my daughters age than mine it made me feel like a dirty perv! :-p Saying that a friend recently slept with a 24 year old definitely closer to her 19 year old daughters age than hers and i didn't really approve although she wasn't about to date him which sort of made it worse a little predatory? hmm then another friend male this time slept with a 19 year old he's 31 sort of thought it was OK until i really thought about and thought my daughter is only six years younger :-/ makes me struggle to be OK with that lol not that I'm about to cut contact because of that although my other friend has now nicknamed him paedo :-p and I'll be sure to give him a hard time for it :-p taking it the other way i was dating someone 19 years older but think when you get to my age it's more of age being just a number and in life terms we were at the same-ish stage? oh anyway I'm not convinced it's OK to prey on the young :-p what are we thinking people? and is it more acceptable for men?

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